Information Provision
MR Network Covering Entire Japan
The greatest number of MRs among Japanese generic manufacturers is the driving force of Towa. Using the force, Towa focuses on providing and collecting drug information as well as stable supply to our customers. Furthermore, Towa is strengthening its MR network to respond to diverse needs of medical professionals at clinics, hospitals, and dispensing pharmacies.
Proactive distribution of information for safe use
Towa is making efforts to promote the proper use, includes preparing materials for patients, such as “Drug Information Sheet” and explanation of “ how to take”, and conducting research on the combinations of food and beverages other than water that will reduce bitterness, especially for families with children averse to taking medicines. Materials and research results are provided to patients and their families through medical institutions.
Also, we are actively providing information to medical professionals for the safe use of our products, such as the results of the study on “T-LEX®” that enable us to compare the risks of liver disorder, the most common among drug-induced organ disorders, with new (branded) drugs.