Towa Philosophy

We contribute to people's health.
We are dedicated to people's genuine smiles.

Towa Group contributes to people's health by creating superior products and services.
Through our corporate activities, we aim to be a company that is valued and needed by patients,
healthcare professionals, local communities, and others.

Our Commitments(T-SMILE)

Truthful that means sincerity, honesty and fairness.
Speed that represents swift decision-making, action and information sharing.
Mission that expresses missions and passion to be of service to help people maintain their good health in communities around the world.
Idea that represents creativity and imagination to challenge for unprecedented transformation.
Linkage that gives the impressions of connections between people and information, coexistence, and co-prosperity.
Excellence that represents the mind to choose the most appropriate technologies that fit with the times and highest quality.

Code of Conduct

Towa Group Code of Conduct
(Revised April 1, 2024)

All directors, officers and employees, temporary workers, and any individual hired or contracted by Towa Group companies must act in compliance with the following Code of Conduct in order to comply with applicable laws, rules, and regulations, and always conduct our corporate activities in good faith based on high ethical standards.

  1. 1. Introduction

    ・We (including directors, officers, employees, temporary workers, and any individual hired or contracted by Towa Group companies. The same shall apply hereunder) act in accordance with the legal compliance as well as high ethical standards including bioethics, and continue to be sincere and honest, as members of a company handling products and services related to people's health and life.

    ・We recognize that contributing to the protection of the global environment, the sustainable development of local communities, the improvement of people's lives, and the resolution of various social issues through our corporate activities are the basics and fundamentals of our corporate existence, and we fulfill our corporate social responsibilities.

    ・Until our products and/or services are supplied or provided to medical professionals, patients, and consumers, we recognize that our group companies, contractors, and business partners including wholesalers and suppliers, etc. are involved in the research, development, production, sales, distribution, and other processes, and we do not only take the initiative in maintaining a high level of ethical standards, but also work together with the outside parties to maintain a high level of ethical standards and fulfill our social responsibilities.

  2. 2. Fundamental Responsibilities
    Individual Responsibilities:

    ・We understand that our actions may influence the trust from society towards the Towa Group companies, the brand, the realization of corporate philosophy, and the fulfillment of social responsibilities. Therefore, we always act with compliance in mind.

    ・We use our corporate philosophy, our Commitments (T-SMILE), our corporate principles, and our Code of Conduct as the basis for our judgment. We carry out our duties faithfully and honestly with a strong sense of ethics.

    ・We embrace diversity and maintain an atmosphere of mutual respect, fostering an open and comfortable workplace where opinions can be freely expressed.

    ・We should always be attentive to the workplace circumstances. If we become aware of facts indicating non-compliance or suspect questionable behavior, we will not ignore it. Instead, we will report, consult, or notify promptly and work swiftly towards resolving the issue and preventing recurrence.

    ・We never engage in searching for or identifying individuals who have reported wrongdoing, nor do we subject them to disadvantageous treatment, discrimination, retaliation, etc. Retaliation itself constitutes non-compliance, and if we experience or witness retaliation, we promptly report it.

    ・We fully cooperate with investigations into non-compliance. We never participate in obstructing or concealing investigations.

    ・We complete designated compliance training within the specified timeframe.

  3. Responsibilities of Superiors:

    All directors, officers, managers, and other superiors fulfill the following responsibilities in addition to those mentioned above:

    ・We lead by example, ensuring fairness and integrity in our actions, speech, and decision-making.

    ・We refrain from behaviors that could be perceived as abusing our position or influence.

    ・We ensure psychological safety and maintain a workplace circumstances where employees feel comfortable speaking up, regardless of their position or status.

    ・We communicate our corporate policies and Code of Conduct to our subordinates and encourage information sharing and communication within the organization to autonomously analyze and address risks related to our responsibilities.

    ・We respond appropriately, following the reporting line promptly in case of issues or concerns, and work towards prevention of recurrence and improvement.

  4. 3. Provision of products and services that are reliable and needed
    Research and development activities

    ・We constantly pursue the state-of-the-art technologies and make improvements, in order not only to conform to the quality required by the applicable laws and regulations but also to provide Towa Quality products and services that have the state-of-the-art, highest quality and added value.

    ・We ensure the efficacy and safety of our products by complying with applicable laws, regulations, guidelines, and internal corporate rules in all our R&D activities including testing and research for applications for manufacturing and marketing authorization of ethical drugs, and by creating and evaluating accurate data based on the scientific validity.

    ・We conduct clinical trials and researches in compliance with the Ministerial Ordinance on Good Clinical Practice for Drugs (“GCP”) and “Ethical Guidelines for Medical and Biological Research Involving Human Subjects,” etc., respecting the human rights of human subjects, ensuring their safety, and carrying them out with scientific strictness.

    ・When conducting experiments using animals in drug research and development, we minimize the use of animals, and strive to minimize suffering.

    ・We do not use any test data that deviates from applicable laws, rules, regulations, or internal corporate rules concerning research and development nor do we commit any wrongful acts such as theft, falsification, replacement, or concealment of materials or data.

    Production, Stable Supply, and Quality Assurance

    ・We comply with the relevant laws and regulations (GMP, GQP, etc.) and internal corporate rules, appropriately execute manufacturing control, quality control, shipment control, and quality assurance, and provide a stable supply of Towa Quality products.

    ・We do not use any test data that deviates from applicable laws, rules, regulations, or internal corporate rules concerning the production, shipment, and provision of products and services nor do we commit any wrongful acts such as theft, falsification, replacement, or concealment of materials or data.

    ・If a problem arises concerning the quality of our products or services, we swiftly take measures such as disclosing appropriate information, stopping shipments/provisions of the products or services, or recalling the products, placing top priority on the safety of patients and consumers.

    Sales Activities

    ・We engage in fair sales activities with high ethical standards in accordance with relevant laws and regulations such as business/consumer related laws, voluntary industry standards such as the Fair Competition Code, and internal corporate rules of the Towa Group Code of Practice.

    ・Based on the sales structure we have established, we carry out steady sales activities while promoting mutual prosperity with our sales agents, wholesalers, and other business partners, and build a fast and reliable distribution structure.

    Good Vigilance and Post-Marketing Study Practices

    ・We swiftly provide, collect, and assess information that contributes to the correct use of drugs in compliance with relevant laws and regulations such as the Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices Act, as well as voluntary industry standards such as the Fair Competition Code, the Guidelines for sales information provision activities, and internal corporate rules. Furthermore, we endeavor to continuously study and gain medical and pharmaceutical knowledge needed for such activities.

    ・We respond to inquiries about drugs from patients and healthcare professionals in good faith.

    Drug Information Activities

    ・We collect, assess, and report information on adverse reactions from products and accidents as appropriate in accordance with relevant laws and regulations (GVP, etc.), and internal corporate rules.

    ・We appropriately carry out post-marketing surveillance and studies as necessary in accordance with relevant laws and regulations (GPSP, etc.), and internal corporate rules.

  5. 4. Facilitating Sincere and Sound Corporate Activities
    Compliance with Consumer Related Laws

    ・We protect consumers in our health-related businesses by complying with laws and regulations concerning i) ensuring the safety of consumer’s lives and bodies (Product Liability Law, Consumer Product Safety Law, Food Sanitation Law, etc.), ii) transactions with consumers (Consumer Contract Law, Act on Specified Commercial Transactions, Installment Sales Act, etc.), iii) ensuring the proper choice of consumers in terms of representation and premiums (Act against Unjustifiable Premiums and Misleading Representations, etc.), and iv) personal information (Personal Information Protection Law).

    Compliance with the Antimonopoly Act and Other Laws

    ・We conduct fair and sound corporate activities in our relationships with medical institutions, agents, wholesalers, customers, suppliers, and competitors, in compliance with relevant laws and regulations such as the Antimonopoly (Ant-trust) Act, Act against Delay in Payment of Subcontract Proceeds, Etc. to Subcontractors, Act against Unjustifiable Premiums and Misleading Representations, Unfair Competition Prevention Act, voluntary industry standards such as the Fair Competition Code, and the Towa Group Code of Practice and internal corporate rules.

    Proper Procurement

    ・We procure items such as raw materials and other goods, services, and information through proper business transactions in compliance with internal corporate rules.

    ・We provide opportunities for competition to suppliers impartially, and ensure that the process for evaluating and selecting suppliers is impartial as well.

    ・We perform contractual obligations with suppliers in good faith.

    Protection of Intellectual Property Rights

    ・We respect the legitimate intellectual property rights of others. Furthermore, we do not unfairly infringe on said rights with the knowledge of their existence.

    ・We appropriately manage intellectual deliverables obtained through job duties and endeavor to obtain, maintain, and preserve intellectual property rights.

    Accuracy of Accounting Records and Compliance with Tax Laws

    ・We create proper financial statements, ledgers, and other documents in compliance with relevant laws and regulations such as the Companies Act, Financial Instruments and Exchange Act, and Generally Accepted Accounting Principles of Japan, and internal corporate rules. We pay taxes appropriately in compliance with tax laws.

    Donations, etc.

    ・We make donations with the aim of promoting science and technology that form the foundation of the pharmaceutical and health industries, improving people’s health and welfare, and solving other social issues that form the foundation of the pharmaceutical and health industries, and do not use them as a means to induce transaction or as a consideration for transaction.

    Response to Anti-Social Forces and Organizations

    ・We have no relationship whatsoever with antisocial forces or organizations that threaten the order and safety of civil society, and do not respond to unreasonable or illegal demands.

    Prohibition of Bribery, etc.

    ・We do not act in violation of domestic and foreign bribery laws and regulations, nor engage in any acts that would cause misunderstanding or mistrust of the public, by providing unjust benefits, gifts or entertainment to public employees (including those deemed as public employees) and stakeholders.

    Relationships with Patient groups

    ・We maintain high ethical standards and respect the independence of patient groups in all collaborative efforts (including financial support, etc.) with patient groups. In addition, we endeavor to have a full mutual understanding of the objectives and content of collaboration with patient groups.

    Relationships with Overseas Parties

    ・We comply with international rules and local laws and regulations in our relations with overseas parties.

  6. 5. Disclosure of Information to Stakeholders
    Information Disclosure

    ・We endeavor to gain the understanding and trust of stakeholders, such as patients, healthcare professionals, business partners, shareholders, investors, the community, and employees (including temporary workers, etc. The same shall apply hereunder) in our company’s corporate activities by disclosing the appropriate information fairly at the appropriate time.

    Transparency of Relationships with Healthcare Professionals and Others

    ・We maintain the transparency of our relationships with healthcare professionals and others by publicly disclosing information about the provision of money or other items to healthcare professionals and others in accordance with the “Clinical Trials Act” and “Guideline for Transparency of the Relationship between Towa Group and Medical Institutions."

    Management of Information

    ・We securely store and manage information assets obtained through job duties, and endeavor to prevent the improper disclosure or leakage of said assets to a third party and the misuse of said assets.

    ・We handle personal information appropriately, treat it with extra care, and rigorously protect it.

    Ensuring Prevention of Insider Trading

    ・If we learn important undisclosed facts about each Towa Group company, business partners, or other party on the job, we do not trade shares or corporate bonds of said company until said important facts have been made public. Furthermore, we do not convey important facts or recommend trading to a third party.

    Advertising and Publicity

    ・We strive to establish an image as a “company that contributes to society through pharmaceutical and health related businesses” and contribute to education about and promote the use of generic drugs through our advertising and publicity activities.

    ・We thoroughly screen the contents of advertisement and publicity in compliance with the Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices Act, Standards for Proper Pharmaceuticals Advertisements, Health Promotion Act, Act against Unjustifiable Premiums and Misleading Representations, and other laws and standards, and make sure not to use false or exaggerated expressions or expressions that would lead to the infringement of human rights.

    ・We select the appropriate media to suit the objective, and create an environment to achieve sound business growth and improve performance.

  7. 6. Respect for Human Rights
    Respect for Human Rights and Prohibition of Discrimination and Harassment

    ・We understand and respect each other's human rights and diverse values, personalities and individualities. In addition, we do not tolerate unfair discrimination on the grounds of race, nationality, ethnicity, age, gender, religion, belief, social status, sexual orientation, gender identity, academic background, disability, illness, appearance, etc. in all events.

    ・We do not tolerate any act of sexual harassment, power harassment (abuse of authority or harassment from a position of power such as bullying, etc.), harassment related to pregnancy, childbirth, childcare leave, etc. or any other act of harassment that harms the dignity and character of an individual or interferes with the ability of an individual.

    ・We support and respect international human rights norms, including the prohibition of forced or child labor.

    ・We express our respect for human rights and seek the understanding of stakeholders.

  8. 7. Comfortable Working Environment
    Prudent yet Bold and Flexible Mindset

    ・We cultivate a flexible mindset to take on bold challenges to make changes while respecting the prudent culture and discipline developed since the company’s founding, and always perform job duties with ambition and in good faith while endeavoring to maintain harmony within the company.

    Facilitation of Work-Life Balance

    ・We endeavor to achieve work-life balance to enable individual employees to choose flexible working styles in response to life changes such as marriage, parenting, and nursing care, while fulfilling their job responsibilities.

    Impartial Performance Evaluations and Employee Development

    ・We evaluate and treat employees impartially and appropriately in accordance with predefined evaluation standards for evaluating employee’s abilities and work results, in compliance with relevant employment laws and regulations such as the Labor Standards Act and internal corporate rules.

    ・We endeavor to provide impartial opportunities for career advancement and develop diverse employees in order to support the improvement of employee’s individual abilities.

    Avoidance of Conflict of Interest

    ・We maintain fair and sound relationships with business partners, medical institutions, and others, and not carry out any acts that would constitute conflict of interest, including the demand, provision, or reception of personal benefits due to job position or authority or connections (such as benefits in the form of money, goods or other assets, entertainment, or convenience, etc.).

    ・We avoid situations such that a conflict of interest between the company’s interests and the personal interests of directors, officers, or employees may arise.

    Prohibition of Personal or Improper Use of Company Assets

    ・We do not use company assets (tangible assets such as products, equipment, supplies, and money or intangible assets such as information and intellectual property) for personal gain or other improper purpose.

    Enriching Work Environment

    ・We work to keep the work environment in good condition and endeavor to eradicate occupational accidents and maintain and promote health in compliance with relevant laws and regulations on safety and health such as the Industrial Safety and Health Act.

    ・We promote the 5Ss at the workplace (“Sort,” “Set in Order,” “Shine,” “Standardize,” and “Sustain”) and maintain a clean and comfortable work environment.

  9. 8. Social Responsibility as a Good Corporate Citizen

    ・We commit to addressing social issues related to sustainability, including consideration for global environmental issues such as climate change, respect for human rights, consideration for health of employees and their working environment as well as their fair and appropriate treatment, fair and appropriate transactions with business partners, and risk management for natural disasters.

    Coexistence with the Local Community

    ・We respect the culture, traditions, and customs, and values of countries and local communities worldwide. Through engagement with the local community, we endeavor to gain the community’s understanding about our corporate policies and activities through interacting with the local community, contributing to the resolution of various issues faced by the local community, and realization of regional development and common interests.

    Social Participation and Contribution to Development of Society

    ・We understand the importance of social contribution and volunteer activities, and proactively participate in and support such activities.

    ・In promoting social contribution activities and volunteer activities, we identify priority social issues and management resources that the company can invest in, based on our management philosophy.

    ・We collaborate with a wide range of stakeholders, including NPOs, NGOs, local communities, and governments, in order to contribute to the development of society.

  10. 9. Supplementary Provisions
    Operation of the Code of Conduct

    ・Each Towa Group company take appropriate steps to ensure that all its directors, officers, and employees understand this Code of Conduct. Each company must establish an organization, structure, and system (reporting system and disciplinary system) to ensure compliance with this Code of Conduct, and any acts that deviate from this Code of Conduct must be strictly deal with and punished in accordance with relevant rules and internal procedures.

    Application overseas

    ・This Code of Conduct also applies to each overseas group company. Provided, however, that the localized contents shall be applied as necessary in accordance with the laws and regulations of each country.